Matthew 11:28–30 tells us that Jesus is “gentle and lowly in heart” (ESV). He calls us to follow Him not because He wants to be a tyrant over…
Tag: book review
Living to God's glory Pain, struggle, and healing Testimony Story True joy and happiness Trusting God
Life Beyond The Scars – Book Review
What would you do if overnight, your whole body changed? In Life Beyond the Scars, Charity Freeland takes us along on her journey.
Book Review: Restoration Story by Robert Cheong
Our world is fundamentally broken. Evil, pain, and suffering are everywhere we look. Everyone is shaped by these harsh realities. How can a good God be over all this brokenness? How do Christians live their lives in these troubled times?
The Wilting Rose Project Book Review: Love Riot
What does it mean to love God? It’s more than just obedience. When we truly love God, we are changed by His love. Why? Because we really encounter our own …