Matthew 11:28–30 tells us that Jesus is “gentle and lowly in heart” (ESV). He calls us to follow Him not because He wants to be a tyrant over…
Tag: trust
Honoring Our Parents
Parents. Without them, we wouldn’t be on this earth. They are the ones that lead by example, teach us how to live, and so much more.
Salvation, Doubts, and Assurance
My mind drifted back to the time of my childhood – when the Gospel seeds were being sowed in my heart years before I came to know Jesus.
Does God Even Hear Me?
We beg God for an answer, but all we hear is silence. The sad truth is that, by now, we are used to it. “Does He even hear me?”
God Wants to Use Your Weaknesses
Our weaknesses can make us feel too insignificant to do something for Jesus. But we don’t have to be perfect to be used to bring Him glory.
Don’t Just Open the Door, Walk Through It
Taking a leap of faith can be scary. You don’t know if you will succeed or fail. God asks us to trust Him and open the door He’s shown you.
Three Things God CANNOT Do
We know that with God all things are possible. But sometimes we forget about the things that God CANNOT and, without question, WILL NOT do.
Lift Up Your Eyes
Have you ever watched Charlotte’s Web? On Wilbur’s worst day, Charlotte sings, “Chin up, chin up Every little time your spirits wilt Chin up, chin up Give your attitude an …
What Conquers Fear?
My heart beat faster. Little beads of sweat dampened my hands. What would I say? What would people think of me? What if they didn’t actually like me? These thoughts …
Psalms of Hope
Where do we turn for hope during crisis or discouragement?