Would you like to reach more young women with your words?
Do you have a skill that you’d like to use to bless others, such as social media prowess, a good grasp of grammar, or an eye for photography? Does the idea of a Wilting Rose Project devotional make you want to count down the days to its release and share the news with others?
Are you passionate about Jesus?
It’s time to start squealing, because you’re here at just the right time…
The Wilting Rose Project is inviting YOU to join our team!
As a ministry, we could not run if we did not have such dedicated and servant-hearted staff members. Each member has such a deep love for you, and we believe that the Lord brings each member to our team. If you would like to join a team of like-minded young women who are passionate about serving and encouraging others, please consider applying! And if you know anyone else who fits this description, consider sending her this post.
As a member of our team, you would be able to help with not only the work involved in providing impactful articles through our site, but also some very exciting new projects we are praying about pursuing.

“I’m so glad I joined TWRP! The rest of the team is so sweet and encouraging! I’m growing my writing and editing skills, ministering to others, and being built up in my faith at the same time. I’m so thankful God brought me here. It’s been such a blessing to me!”
Angela, Contributing Writing and Editor-in-Training
What Is The Wilting Rose Project About?
The Wilting Rose Project is an online ministry with a message for young women: whatever makes them feel “wilted” will never make them unworthy. In Christ, we are utterly beloved–first because He made us, and second because He died for us. We reach out with the hope of the Gospel and reminders of God’s love.
“Working here has been such a blessing! Not only have I found wonderful friends, I have been blessed spiritually by both knowing and working with them.”
Jaiden Summers, Writer, IG Post Manager, Administrative Assistant, and Editor-in-Training
Who Should Apply?
In new interns, we are praying for young women with a passion for encouragement, who love the Lord deeply, and who are skilled in their field, but who are also looking to expand their experience and use their skills to serve. You do not have to be high school or college age to apply; our current staff ranges from teenagers to women in their thirties.
Positions available include:
Content Editor (big-picture edits)
Administrative Assistant
Website and Technology Manager
Cinematography and Visual Marketing Manager
Head Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer
Email Newsletter Manager’s Assistant
Instagram Content Writer
Goodreads Manager and Book Review Manager
Facebook Manager
Facebook Assistant
Podcast Producer
Podcast Scheduling Manager
Producer’s Assistant
We’d absolutely love to add you to our staff, whether you’ve followed us since the beginning or just learned about our ministry. If the message of The Wilting Rose Project is one you’re passionate about, please apply!
Our ideal applicant would serve in more than one way (i.e. editing and contributing writer, or social media manager and contributing writer). However, we are flexible with our requirements.
All the available positions are six-month commitments, with a minimum time of two hours a week in addition to time spent communicating with the team via Slack and occasional video calls. At the end of the six months, there is an opportunity to join as a long-term member. Because The Wilting Rose Project is a ministry, there is no monetary compensation, but you will gain skill, experience, broaden your outreach, find a community of like-minded young women, and most importantly, be a blessing!
“I joined TWRP because I wanted to spread the message of hope found in the Gospel—that we are given tremendous worth in Christ. Little did I know that the Lord would use the community of girls to impact me! I like to say that the Lord brought us all to the project for a reason. For myself, I think He wanted to bless me by giving me friendships with other young women who have struggled and who remind each other of the truth.”
Bethany Rose, Editor-in-Chief

Read through our descriptions of positions available here! Then fill out our application form.
Applications close October 20 or when all positions are filled. Please direct any questions to us at [email protected] with the subject line “Question about The Wilting Rose Project Application”.
“The Wilting Rose Project is such a great place to work for the Lord, minister to others, and take part in a loving community!” Tara Savanna, Team Manager and Editor
Tara Savanna, Team Manager and Editor
So excited for this!
If you’re on the fence, go apply people!! I was on the team for a while and it was so fun!! =D