Meet our staff members! From our wonderful Graphics Designers, to our awesome Contributing Writers, and our dedicated Editors, all the way up to our hard-working Managers, each member is integral to running The Wilting Rose Project and providing the content we pray blesses you and ministers to your heart.
Bethany Rose

Staff Position ~ Editor-in-Chief
Bethany’s name means “bright city on a hill.” This is her mission in life, to illuminate the beautiful things and shine light where there was darkness. She is the editor and team manager of The Wilting Rose Project. She is passionate about finding her worth in Christ, not in her own accomplishments or in other’s opinions, and she loves spreading this message.
She writes fairytales heavily inspired by her love of the forest. She spends many of her mornings soaking in the uniquely Minnesotan beauty of the woodlands surrounding her home. Her blog, Wild Rose Journal, includes more personal documentation of her journey the last few years with Lyme disease and Toxic Mold illness and the journey of healing she is now on. Visit her Instagram to be encouraged by all the light she sees and shares.
Kellyn Roth

Staff Positions ~ Team Manager
Kellyn Roth is a historical romance & women’s fiction author who writes about the empty places where hope has the most room to grow. Her novels include the inspirational Victorian family saga, The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, and the Kees & Colliers series, which follows a broken family in the tumultuous years of the first half of the 20th century.
Kellyn is a student of the Author Conservatory and a writing coach. When not building her author career, she is likely getting lost somewhere in the Pacific Northwest with her friends, watching period dramas and facetious comedies, or spending time with her husband.
Lately she’s also adopted a fish (Philip Harriot, The Duke of Ridgewell) who keeps her life exciting by playing dead five times a day. That’s not even a trick she taught him, so she’s not quite sure how he picked it up, but it is annoying.
Rebecca Johnson

Staff Position ~ Head Editor
Evidenced by her pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and a minor in technical communications, Rebecca Johnson has long held a special place in her heart for the written language. As a jewelry maker, flute player, avid reader, editor, and writer, she spends each day seeking to glorify God and encourage others whenever possible.
Rebecca has dreams of becoming a published novel author in the future, and her most recent project is a poetry chapbook which offers a glimpse into the world of chronic illness and disability. Having joined The Wilting Rose Project as Head Editor, she hopes to continue to uplift and inspire those around her by pointing them to Christ.
Julia Skinner
Staff Position ~ Instagram Manager
Julia Skinner is an eighteen year old modern day hobbit with a love for good stories, and chocolate ice cream. She is the Instagram Manager for The Wilting Rose Project, as well as the Community Manager for an online conference for chronically ill Christians called, “Diamonds”. She has a passion for encouraging others to live the life God created them to live, and vehemently believes everyone is born with a unique purpose on this Earth. She is currently going to college for a degree in Psychology, with hopes of one day becoming a Counselor. Besides that, she has a deep love for storytelling, and her desk is currently groaning beneath the weight of all her random Fantasy story ideas and projects. She is a total nerd who enjoys playing video games, reading aloud to her four little siblings, riding roller-coasters, and hanging out with her two Miniature Australian Shepherds: Maddie and Koda (better known as the Gremlin and the Bear).
Natalie Julson

Staff Position ~ Website Manager
Entranced with the world of technology since toddlerhood, Natalie has always loved all things technical. It wasn’t until her late teens did she truly fall in love with words as well. The desire to bring both worlds together started when she self-published her first book in her mid-twenties. She is now working on new story ideas and other writing-related opportunities that are brought her way as she attends school for a web-tech degree.
Growing up, she’s taken a front-row seat as she’s witnessed God’s love poured out not only on her family, but on others as well, and seen the joy, hope, and courage that prevails in what looks like a wilted situation, full of hopelessness and doubt. As the Website Manager, she hopes that even though she won’t be writing often, her backstage presence would still point others to the One who can truly heal our brokenness.
Jaybird Summers

Staff Position ~ Post Publisher
Greetings! I am a 17 year old high-school graduate who is also a librocubicularist (someone who reads in bed). One of my favorite things to do is write. Well, that and curl up by a window on a rainy day reading a book. But hey, who doesn’t want to do that? I am passionate about God’s word and try to include it in my day-to-day life, whether it’s listening to music or giving a friend some advice, I try to let His words guide me. Writing helps me to process through emotions and getting my thoughts onto a piece of paper has always made me feel better. Even when it looks like a pencil shavings tornado attacked the sheet.
Cat Thompson
Staff Positions ~ Graphic Designer, Contributing Writer
From a young age, Cat Thompson has always been interested in writing and building good friendships. Over the years, she has walked through an international move, amazing friendships and difficult ones, and most recently a chronic illness, pain, and struggles. She has always been encouraged by honest and hopeful words. She hopes that her writing will encourage fellow young women or chronic illness warriors that they are not alone in their struggles. Her aim is to bring hope and light into the dark and show that God is present and healing is possible.
She lives in New England, but much prefers the warm weather and Pacific feel of her younger childhood. She enjoys writing both nonfiction and heartfelt fiction stories. She loves making new friends, learning about people, and eating fried foods and chocolate. She is a lover of chai tea and hot chocolate, and will drink hot drinks in both summer and winter, and will eat any snack that she can get her hands on. When not writing, you’ll find her chatting with friends, spending time outside, reading any good Christian fiction or fantasy book, discovering more good books, or trying to convince people that hot drinks in summer are still just as good.
Angela Kipp

Staff Positions ~ Contributing Writer, Editor
Angela is a homeschooled teenager from Minnesota who strives to do everything for the glory of her Lord, Savior, and Everything, Jesus Christ.
Ever since she learned to read at the age of eighteen months, she has loved words with a passion. Dubbed “grammar girl” by her younger brothers, she delights in crafting sentences, correcting grammar, studying languages, and reading. She devours a wide range of books, from missionary biographies to Janette Oke to J.R.R. Tolkien. Some of her favorite things are cats, crocheting, Casting Crowns, and chocolate—lots of chocolate! She’s also a self-proclaimed recreational daydreamer.
Participating in the National Bible Bee since the age of eight has given her a deep love for God and His Word, and she loves to pass that love on to others in any way she can. The passion of her heart is to see young people stand up and live for Jesus with their whole hearts. As a writer and editor for The Wilting Rose Project, she hopes to encourage young women to remember who they are in Christ and, in response, to make an impact for Him.
Ryleigh M.

Staff Positions ~ Contributing Writer, Editor
An avid reader, writer, and daughter of the King, Ryleigh has a passion for horses and words, and possesses an affinity for rainy days. While she coA bookworm at heart and a desert girl by choice, M. L. Milligan is a lifelong horse lover with a passion for Jesus, rainy days, and long chats with her characters. She’s always up for a bowl of popcorn and a movie, or a long trek through uncharted territory, provided someone supplies the coffee. She makes her home in the Sagebrush state with a small gaggle of hens, an array of dogs and a cat, all proudly rescues.
Deigan Marie

Staff Positions ~ Contributing Writer, Editor
With a passion for words and her Lord, Jesus Christ, Deigan Marie hopes to serve The Wilting Rose as best as she can, and to help them in their ministry to turn young women to Christ. She can often be found either curled up with her kitty and a book, or a notebook and a mug of tea ready to write. She loves the Lord with all her heart, and hopes to one day, Lord willing, become a published author and help teach the world about him. But until the Lord leads her otherwise, she is content to live in Southern Nevada reading, writing, and loving life with her amazing parents and loving siblings.
Anna Grace

Staff Position ~ Instagram Contributing Writer
A chronic illness warrior, Anna Grace understands what it feels like to have questions with no apparent answer, even while still trusting God as her source of strength. Passionate about using her writing to reach her generation, she is described by her parents as a “born writer.” She can often be found reading, writing, or enjoying worship music. She also enjoys folding origami cranes and crocheting. You can connect with her on her blog, Redeem the Time, or in her novelette, Before the World Changed.
Gabriella R.

Staff Positions ~ Contributing Writer, Instagram Contributing Writer
As daughter of the King, Gabriella hopes to encourage Rose’s who struggle with the same doubts that she faces. She has battled several mental and physical illnesses and has a deep heart for those who suffer from depression and hopelessness.
She is an artist, aspiring children’s book author/illustrator, and poetic observer of life, God, and nature. You can find her on Instagram.
Megan Lang
Staff Position ~ Instagram Stories Manager, Contributing Writer
Megan is a faith and lifestyle blogger from London, England. Her heart is for people, especially teen girls, and through her writing and blog, she aims to encourage and uplift young women like herself, reminding them how loved they are by Jesus.
She loves coffee (lots of it), Pinterest, sunny weather, her pup, sunflowers, and most importantly, Jesus! Growing up as a Pastor’s Kid, she is passionate about her identity in Christ and longs to share that passion with others. At The Wilting Rose Project she manages the Instagram Stories and writes blog posts every now and then, whilst keeping up with her own blog.
You can find more of her rambellings at her blog, Not So Perfect, or on her Instagram.
Bekah B.

Staff Position ~ Contributing Writer
Rebekah currently resides in sunny Southern California with her two cats and insanely supportive family. Inspired by the Master Storyteller, she pens novels drawing from her own experiences and society that she hopes brings light to the darkness.
Rebekah is the contributing writer for several online publications and serves as the co-host of Hope Prose, a literary podcast dedicated to books, the authors who write them, and the readers they inspire. When she’s not writing or up reading till 2 AM, she’s binging the latest Kdrama, coaching writers, sharpening her marketing skills, or watching BTS videos. Taehyung is her bias if you must know.
Beth Cordle
Staff Position ~ Contributing Writer
Bethany is a young Historical Fiction writer from the United Kingdom. She is the second oldest of ten children and is a pastor’s kid. She loves her quiet countryside life and couldn’t dream of living anywhere else.
She has been writing since the beginning of 2017, and since then has joined the Wilting Rose Project with the goal of encouraging other young women who love the Lord. She recognizes that she is not alone in her battles against the Devil and that there are many other young women out there who simply need a kind voice reassuring them of God’s love and power. She herself knows how the simple act of sharing a kind word with someone can be so spiritually uplifting. It’s her goal to be that reassuring voice saying, “Keep going—I’m here for you but, most importantly, God is here for you”
Michelle Black

Staff position ~ Instagram Contributing Writer
Michelle is from sunny California and loves giving joy to others and being a fool. She loves art, card making, reading scary fiction, and making chocolate covered treats from time to time. She also loves writing stories of children. Her goal in writing is to make others happy. As a member of The Wilting Rose Project, she longs to encourage others to see the great love Christ has for them and their personal worth as daughters of the King.
Evangelyn Hill
Staff Positions ~ Contributing Writer, Editor
Evangelyn is a young homeschooled bookworm (or, more accurately, bookdragon) who loves to write. Her goal is to spread God’s love and hope through her stories and articles. She enjoys writing pretty much everything — except for romance!
Besides writing, she loves spending time outside (she holds tight to the philosophy that you’re never too old to climb trees), with her family, doing archery, sewing, and listening to the How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack. Oh, and don’t forget spending hours curled up in a rocking chair with The Chronicles of Narnia, The Tale of Despereaux, or one of her myriad other favorite books.
Malaya Gaboury
Staff positions ~ Contributing Writer, Editor
Malaya Gaboury is a native New Yorker who loves Jesus, coffee, books, and theater. She’s had a passion for storytelling since she could talk, and when she’s not writing, you can find her singing show tunes with her dad and sister, food hunting in the city with her friends, or curled up on the couch with a long novel.
Malaya firmly believes that God is actively working in her generation. When she was 11, Malaya discovered that no one is too young to have a big life with God. Since then, she’s been passionate about living out her faith as a teenager and hopes to use her story and words to inspire others to receive the radically abundant life that God offers. Connect with Malaya through her blog.
Bethani Theresa

Staff positions ~ Administrative Assistant, Post Publisher
As an avid bookworm, writer, and graphic designer, she finds beauty in the stories God has created for her to learn from. Ever since Bethani wrote her first story about a boy and his dog named Basil for a school assignment years ago, she has strove to use her stories to bless others and draw them and herself closer to the Lord.
Sister to ten and raised as a homeschooled Christian, Bethani’s stories often feature strong family themes and span several genres and age groups. When not writing, she enjoys playing with her little brothers, designing book covers (or remaking favorites), editing and critiquing for friends, and learning new things.
As a member of The Wilting Rose Project, Bethani hopes to bring encouragement to young women struggling to live for the Lord and shine the light of his love where the world is darkest.
Nicole Ashley

Staff positions ~ Content editor (in training) and Goodreads Manager
From the time she could hold a pencil in her left hand, Nicole has been a writer at heart. She loves to craft sentences that flow just right and leave the reader thinking more deeply about life–a gift that God has given her as an INFJ. Her desire is to use every aspect of who she is to communicate the gospel and is pursuing a degree in theology to better equip herself for the great and mighty things God has planned.
If she’s without her laptop, headphones, camera, or a book, you should probably question it, but don’t be too concerned if she disappears for a day to introvert. As an Ambassador of Christ, her goal is to find God in everything–from the rising of the sun to its setting. Her favorite words include excelsior and aesthetic.
Jasmine Godby

Staff positions ~ Brainstorming Visionary and Ideas Manager, Contributing Writer, Editor
Jasmine Godby is an Aussie on a mission to point others to Christ. With a heart for encouraging struggling souls, she believes the best use of our difficult experiences is to help others. She believes that Christ is Lord, and the light that outshines all darkness.
Jasmine enjoys beach trips, arts and crafts, and finding beauty in anything from sunsets to funny comments made by children. When she’s not writing for TWRP or playing netball, she’s exploring fantasy lands and defending kingdoms (that totally isn’t code for novel writing…). Her story The Three Big Bad Wolves is in the book Once Upon a Whoops: Fractured Fairytales and Ridiculous Rhymes. You can find Jasmine on Instagram at @jasminegodbyauthor
Gabriella Banasik

Staff positions ~ Newsletter Manager, Personal Assistant, Podcast Editor
Gabriella is a sister of five, daughter, friend, bird-mom, and most importantly, a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. She loves reading, writing, watching comedies, teasing her siblings (especially her brothers), accidentally embarrassing herself, and playing the guitar and the piano. But even with how sweet and cool she sounds, Gabriella is reminded daily of her need for a Savior. Her desire is to help share God’s grace, power, and love with the people around her.
Philippians 1:6 – And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ.
Emma Flournoy

Staff positions ~ Proofreader/Copy editor
Emma is a detail-oriented human who takes a long time doing stuff but is obsessed with doing it thoroughly. This affects proofreading, dishwashing, overthinking, and basically everything. Excellence is crucial to her, but learning to let go of self-sufficiency is a daily battle.
Emma loves many things, including but by no means limited to reading, thinking, proofreading for indie authors, and obsessing over skilled storytelling. Intelligence and Baroque music make her happy, as does chocolate.
But her passion is for Jesus Christ, and to know and reflect Him is her highest aspiration. She adores how mercy and truth aren’t incompatible for Him, and they shouldn’t be for us either. Learning to make that a practical reality in consistent Christlike living is the measure of Emma’s days, and it ain’t often easy, now is it? She aches to walk complete in Christ and ditch trying to be worthy on her own.
Lorelei Angelino

Staff positions ~ Editor
Lorelei Angelino is a writer, lover of books, and daughter of God. She is a featured author in Teen Writers’ Nook’s Imagine anthology and a part of the editing team for The Wilting Rose Project. Lorelei loves spending time with her family, getting lost in fantastical books, sipping chai lattes, and serving God through her writing! Sign up for her newsletter at and find her on the interwebs at!
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Jovey L.

Staff positions ~ Graphic Designer
Jovey L. is a teenage graphic designer and artist. Having a naturally creative mind and a passion for art, she hopes to show true-to-life emotion through her designs. She is an aspiring author writing the first installment of her adventure book series. Jovey is thankful to have been raised in a Christian household with her three siblings. She spends the majority of her time drawing, listening to music, or playing video games.
She joined The Wilting Rose Project in 2021, feeling called by God to encourage and support young women in their walk with God.
Cherith Bradley

Staff positions ~ IG post publisher, Content/Copy/Line Editor
Hey everybody! I’m Cherith, and I am a content, line, and copy editor for The Wilting Rose Project. I am an Instagram post publisher as well. In my free time I enjoy reading, being outside, baking, and spending time with my family and many pets. Kentucky is my home, but I absolutely love traveling and exploring new places. I am currently a student at Liberty University Online and am working towards a degree in English and Writing. Though all of these things are important to me, Jesus Christ is most important. My hope is to honor Him with everything that I do, and I am so blessed to be a part of The Wilting Rose Project which is an amazing group of ladies who are passionate about sharing Jesus with other women and encouraging them.
Joy Adewumi

Staff positions ~ Contributing Writer
Joy Adewumi is an avid dreamer and unapologetic Christian. As her name states, her one purpose in life is to spread joy wherever it is needed. If she isn’t imagining up a more peaceful life on the outskirts of the countryside with maybe a horse, or two, you’d probably find her dancing and singing aloud or talking to herself, in the sanctuary of her room, of course. In her spare time, she loves to read, write, and play the piano. Until her dreams come true, she understands that God’s peace is irrespective of setting, crowd, or clutter. It is an inward peace independent of one’s surroundings, and as she navigates this, she would like to share her experiences with you as well.
She joined The Wilting Rose Project in 2022, wanting to spread hope and encourage to young, Christian women.