Do you ever feel broken beyond repair? Dear girl, you are not without hope.

One of my favorite bits from our surprise is this: “The truth of our fallen world is that because of sin there is darkness that will try to steal, kill, and destroy us. This darkness will try to leave us wilted, broken, and hopeless.”
Don’t worry—because even though this is true, we don’t have to stay here, praise Jesus!
“But there is a truth greater than the darkness: Christ’s death, resurrection, and redemption has conquered the darkness, evil, and sin.”
Amen and hallelujah! And now—drumroll please, because we finally get to share something we’ve worked on for months! We are so excited to announce what we pray will be a reminder to you of Who our Jesus is!
For the first time, we are releasing a mini-devotional!
It is free, printable, and beautiful—to download it, subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll email it directly to you!
Wilted, Not Worthless, A John 4 Bible Study was written by Malaya Gaboury, one of our amazing staff writers. Using the observation, interpretation, and application method, the questions you are asked will help you to dissect the truth and have a greater understanding of the Scripture. Malaya’s heart with this devotional is to encourage you to understand how much Jesus loves you—the real, broken, sinful you—and wants to redeem you and rebuild your heart.
We pray it will be a great blessing to you! We’d love to create more mini devotionals and even have dreams of putting together a 30-day paper devotional in the future, so be sure to comment below or on Instagram to let us know you enjoyed the study and would like to see more!
See you in your inbox, Roses!
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” Romans 8:1-4
Are you as excited about this devotional as we are?
Comment below, Roses, and let’s uplift each other!
Article Written By

Bethany’s name means “bright city on a hill.” This is her mission in life, to illuminate the beautiful things and shine God’s light where there was darkness. Bethany leads The Wilting Rose Project, a ministry of encouragement for young women who feel their struggles make them worthless. She writes tales inspired by her love of the forest, where she spends many of her mornings, soaking in the uniquely Minnesotan beauty. Her blog includes more personal documentation of her journey the last few years with Lyme disease and Toxic Mold illness and the journey of healing she is now on.
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